half marathon


in nineteen days, I am at the halfway point. annie dying gave me a moment to reflect. I haven’t stopped reflecting since. she was an over achiever. like me.

I have thought long and hard about the past four and half decades, what I have done, what has been done to me, for me. I have made a list of the people that changed and redirected my journey. I am grateful for it all, for all of them. I have let go of many things and held tight to others. the real yoga always comes up. I never went through the class to conquer class goers, I went to the class to grow. it worked. I met two wonderful, authentic humans. funny enough, they both abandoned their realities for love.  true love.

my son is proof that I was here for a purpose. I mattered. it is beautiful to be represented by such a kind man.

july has been very good to me.  I am a sun goddess. verda in my purse allows for long days by the ocean or in it! miami, it’s swim week, lotsa sharks out there.

april being away has afforded me a better body, more options in fitness and a new set of acquaintances. I have learned new trades. I am more talented now. learning and changing is something I have always appreciated. blooming into a more vibrant purple is one of my highest aspirations. I strive for greatness always. no lebron included. wade leaving miami hurt me.  I am very happy for him but we will undoubtedly suffer his absence.

did I do enough? have I left a legacy? did I love completely? how long do I have? of course, I am thinking along these lines but in the past year I have learned that nothing is guaranteed.

I want to read with you. we can be wynwoodians again!! stand up, show up, get up for Christine Brae! first weekend in august is gonna be lit. https://www.facebook.com/events/614039138748565/#     https://www.facebook.com/events/482738598585354/


and if you don’t know, it’s my birthday soon, 

