I don’t twerk, I work


Sweatlife is addicting. I am an addict. I replaced Marlboro Red at a pack and a half a day for a Real Ryde with m*ergy and now too, a Method created by a formidable golfer.

I have tried many ways to sweat, to get strong, to become empowered. All of them are effective. You take out what you put in. It’s immediate. It’s loyal and gratifying. If only love was so easy.

This weekend however, I tried something new. I drew blood from my assailant. I punched a six foot two inch man in the face. I have bruises all over my body. My manicure is in tact, thankfully. This experience is Self Defense instructed by my friend, (I hope still) Orestes Sampson. He gave a short (Ha!) seminar explaining why people attack, what happened to them, how they think, what provokes these incidents and then we got physical. Not Olivia Newton John physical more like MMA material. My favorite part of the seminar was when he said, ” in result, the biggest mistake an assailant will make is picking me as his victim”. The tone was set for the physical aspect of this class. I sweat like a pig, learned how to tenderize a mistaken attacker and make regret any fool who thinks I’m scared. I encourage all men, women and children to learn how to defend themselves. I highly recommend the Big O, be your choice for instructor on this topic. Thank you Orestes, I am stronger.

My Business Mag coming out in November will be featuring one of our blossoming clients, Soy Delicious. The article is about Hispanic Entrepeneurs. I hope they include the tiny fact that she is a Super Spartan and soon an IronMan. This month M2, send me Burberry candles or more Bond whatever suits you.

November will also be the month of the official launch of my life saver “stopmokingstartliving” x+ The Kerry Gaynor Method . I read on Instagram the other day about how a man couldn’t believe how you can quit smoking without medicine or crutches. I chuckled. He’s never sat in Kerry’s presence. I dare you.

So the Doctor did it again! He took Philly down like a great meal at Roaster’s and Toaster’s. His next race is in Providence, Rhode Island. How romantic?

Doctor Dribble is racing two of his future races (Chicago and New York) for Diabetes. I’m enclosing the link to donate on his behalf. One of my choice quotes is “You haven’t lived until you do something for someone that can’t pay you back.” It’s a no brainer! #g1ve #doctordribbletour for #Diabetes

Unique Me is coming out first week in October. The month of Halloween! Yay! I’m so excited for this year’s costume. It’s very appropriate. I’m keeping it classy.

New client Shout Out- B Force Bands! You mean, I can travel with functional training? Oh boy! Please show me how tho?

m*ergy is enforcing the tactical approach to the Benjamin Dash weekly in her training sessions at body & soul. Leader that leads and never misleads. Let’s raise money Mari, let’s get muddy sista, I need another frame in the m*ergy room.

This week includes Free People, a sizzle reel and CNN!!! More Yoga, it’s Yoga month. April is enthused- back off, back up it’s time to breathe victoriously….

Dolphin Season, winning!!! I got ring side seats, look for us on the field.

Congrats Big Vic and Lulu Brea!
If you don’t know, schedule self defense with O!!


Unsung Heroes

Maybe the most heart wrenching blog ever for me and our agency is this one. It’s not fun, sexy or beautiful. It’s real and it’s the story of Chris White.

An angel called me this week, almost crying. He was in shock! He began to speak quickly telling me a horrific story. I heard “ex husband, gunman, death, loss and a hero”. A thirteen year old hero. I tried to calm this angel down, to soothe him. He reminded me that my son and Chris are the same age. He perhaps thought that a mother doesn’t always feel fear for her children, not just in tragic moments.

Zee Lydia and her daughter Neima were murdered in their home at the hands of her ex husband. The monster tried to kill the three remaining children in the home but Chris, the unsung hero, valiantly risked his own life to protect his ten year old brother and a three year old cousin. He was successful.

In the hospital, Chris became the favorite patient quickly. He might not walk again. He lost his mother. His goal is to continue to play basketball. Chris can’t possibly know the depths of his loss. What he should know, is that he saved lives. He made a difference. Would you have done that? Would I?

I ended my call with the angel that informed me of this incident on an uplifting note. I advised him to get inspired by Chris. To act, to donate. He did! He too is an unsung hero. He’s like a Superman.

www.chrisandmyleswhite.com- go be a hero!

safe and soundly,
