
I am Onnit Certified in Club Bells. I remember wanting to learn years ago. I am so sorry it took me this long to figure it all out. The tool is just like the other iron friends in my home. All of the bells and my mace are together now.

I haven’t slept for about a week. The last half hour of todays certification had me praying in a chant. I haven’t prayed like that since I went to jail. I was dizzy and losing focus. At my right was Grant, my left Marc and in front of  me was April. The man behind me is Niv.  We finished together. What a dream team of power.  Jeezus Christ!

I saw the sun twice this weekend and fell in love. We get closer each time. It’s thrilling to remember what that feels like.

The event was a hit! I gained so much knowledge. I loved all of this experience. It was magic. I feel like I am at my peak on every level. I have more power now in my life than I have ever had before.  the future has never been more unknown than now. I said that thrice on stage. NOW! NOW! NOW!

Halloween is up soon and I am tweaking and tucking the costume. It suits me.

I am exhausted! I am alive. I am happy. Moreover than all of that, I am safe. I love that. Hope your week is overloaded with greatness with those that you love and the ones that love you. 

and if you don’t know, I have never been more in love than I am today,

