2016 I feel you…

i prayipray 2


serving is second nature to me. I think like an employee. this is mos def why I always find myself in the role of the boss. I work hard. I am constantly evolving and learning. everyday is a new adventure. I’m done with the Christmas set up. (no stress)  this year we got a fatty.

thanksgiving was not how I envisioned it.  I was reminded of how beautiful life is and how happy the holidays are. I realized so many things on this day. love is kind. love does not hurt.

detox from social media was the best gift I could’ve afforded myself. self love is first now. other than responding to clients, I didn’t even look. I logged out and lived. my friendships and relationships are not formed in the recent. they are forged for years and decades and I called upon those. I have a very hard time trusting new.  some folk look to me as an answer giver, a guru. the reality is, is I am the people ‘s people. just as human as them, with the same problems. happy is the goal. how is that for raw?

I met a CPA this weekend that was interviewing me on my energy and zest, I explained that I’m just a humble lady with a strong resistance to failure. there is no failure for me. I think we will be doing business very soon. 

about twenty years ago, the cure came to Miami and I was treated to a great date with great seats and had a blast. I love the cure. that friday, I’m in love murdered me. I’m so down again. thank you.

david yurman is back on my radar. I got two of the twists. black is the new black. my family and I have been collecting Yurman for decades. since he began. my collection is significant in history and memories. it’s beautiful when you build and invest. memory making is the value tho.

art basel is going to kill me. I say BAH-SEL BTW! I am working out and flowing daily. I never quit. I just feel dizzy with all of the art. I’m going to the places I’ve never been. tryna steer clear of  common areas. I fall harder every time. my taste in art is weird. I suppose I live in the abstract but my love is in the chiaro-oscuro. I’m black and white. never did appreciate grey. another collection I have to unravel-my art. so happy all my buds are here from NYC!

like I said, friendships for me take a long time. I protect the ones I love. it’s a small circle. I like that. letting strangers into my life is a NO-NO! I’m always amazed at how people sign up on things like match.com! so brave are those to trust in minutes. (applause)

so many pressures in this upcoming month, money, family, love. life coaches get hired more this month than any other. it’s like gyms in January. this month I selfishly love the ones who love me, (throughout the rest of the year I’m more of a love giver) I exercise often so the toxic foods we eat don’t make me sick.  I plan, I schedule and I execute. life is meant to be lived smiling with the people that love you. it’s so simple.

I look forward to 2016. it seems that the first week will be the knock out punch. I am very excited.


and if you don’t know, I hope you make many memories with your loved ones,




professional athletes often hire me for what they call personal training. I find that to be flattering but a bit preposterous due to the fact that they train three times harder than I do.  I am actually on the contact list of the MLB, NFL, and NBA.  a mindful athlete is a weapon. a life coached athlete is fierce. my thoughts are as follows, they panic, they fear, they stress just like anyone else but on national television. their break ups are on the enquirer. they need to be trained to reduce anxiety and train their brain activity.

I am always amazed at the rigors of competition. yes, the breath is key in calming these symptoms. I feel they identify with my understanding of serious anxiety and great will to focus. will can never be taught. it’s one of those mysteries that has to be born, nurtured, fed. the truth is, I have mastered the art of harnessing my anxiety and turning into fuel. I have the secrets, the tricks. I do find that every “personal training” sesh turns into more of a life-coaching sesh. most male athletes scoff at the term life coach. pat riley doesn’t. neither do i.

mindfulness vs. tactical . what would lebron choose? what would you choose? I have always been open to learning and attempting newness, greatness and sometimes failure. I have found that the most successful turns in my life have come directly from the failures. gratitude is one of my secrets. there you go- it’s free. the secret of gratitude has helped me enormously in facing and beating my whistle blowing, my lack of preparation, my losses. this thanksgiving I wish you the most gratitude and mindfulness.

there is an athlete in all of us.

and if you don’t know, it’s game time,






one of my pushiest clients had me up all night telling me that I had to focus on life coaching only. she said I need to only do one thing for a living. Haaaaa! i am so very lucky to have people that pay me, love me, worry about me and elevate me professionally. i completely understand that point of view. but let’s say for instance, I die today. what happened in paris can happen in Miami. i am truly glad I accepted the yoga job, the model job, the marketing contract, the speaking engagement.

trying to clip a birds wings is cruel. it’s almost as cruel as loving someone on unilateral terms. the purpose of life is to share and be happy. growth and spontaneity do that for me on a professional level. sharing equally in a personal relationship is my goal.

for the past two weeks I have not been inspired to blog, i have actually been turning dreams into reality, professionally speaking. VERDA has been a constant source of nutrition through this exciting time in my life. it’s Canadian and yummy. to get some go to www.verdanutrition.com and type in MAGDA 72 at checkout or just go to me www.atreve-t.com (vanilla is my fave this week)

my yoga practice has improved dramatically. understanding why and how it works has made such an impact on me. the healing in my body both inside and out has been rapid because of yoga. i knew teacher training would bring the clarity I so desperately needed.

Voices for CP will be having their 5k in February. i am not running, i am teaching. if you want to know what i will be teaching you’ll have to sign up. www.voicesforcerebralpalsy.org

tomorrow is my 6th or 7th Gulliver Holiday Market Place. i am most excited about the community for this event. i made a difference in my son’s life directly, on his school, for the community. i did good! hope to see you out there 12595 red road 8:30-5:30.

on Friday, nov 20, 10-5 go and get some!! one day pop up in the heart of coral gables. this stuff is a gift. make it a point to stop by.

my yoga teacher was telling us that saying I love you is a good thing, i know that. however, showing I love you is best.

have a happy week and if i don’t get the opportunity to write again before Thanksgiving, i wish you the most love, health and success to you and your loved ones.

and if you don’t know, i am thankful to you,
