why do I blog?

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I began to blog to promote clients solely. Approximately seventy three blogs ago, I set out to share the great and new and hella tight wonderful I encountered on a weekly basis. I chose Sundays to blog because they are the most peaceful days of the week for me. I usually cook, practice simple workouts and brace myself for a strong start to Monday. Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I don’t know how or when the blog, my blog, turned into my life online. It’s become almost like a journal entry. I am amazed when my experiences with what I consider “mad real” interest others. You guys have read my growth, my love, my loss and my happy! I am grateful. Cool beans! I have readers- stoked about that.

Market Miami opened this week. It’s more like a complete takeover on Sunset Drive. Women so powerful scare me. It’s no wonder Marilyn is a friend. I love strong and confident women. It’s inspiring. Please go visit the shop, it’s a tee and jeans kinda place.

I was intending on running streets with Chris this weekend and of course attempting the intimidating club bell but Soho House offered something more my style- animal flow on the beach.  I really am drawn to the instinctual movement. I remember the first time I attempted the beast walk. It was also on the beach. So simple are the movements and they can confound any mind.

April, Cat and I ommmmmed to The Cure this Weekend at H2Om. Cat really is the maverick yogi. She never stops reinventing the breath, the science. Candela loved us as we bent, inverted and laughed. April held my hand. I carried my body on my head and dreamed of black eyeliner and red lipstick moments. I felt the music. Yoga retreat for Goth girls, maybe??

I cooked for my little Linda together with Papa W this past Wednesday. I was so excited for her to be surprised and for him to give the surprise. I felt my hands shake, my heart beat faster and my smile grow larger as the time of arrival neared. I love family, it warms my heart. I swear I feel Jewish. We missed Charna and Sam and of course Ro!

My next Master Life Sesh will be new and innovative. A different venue, a different crowd. How cool is it to be a Coach? Deets next blog.

True Blood ends tonight-I am sad about that. I learned it in Harbour Island  last year. I will see the end with my Alcide. The only Alcide for me. I can’t wait.

For the most part, this week was fantastic. Happiness is a choice.

Golfed with the Master himself. Thank you Ro for persevering and loving your sport. Mad respect YoYo!

I walk around with a water proof camera now. I long for the next opportunity to snap pictures under the sea.

The Spin-a-thon at M Cycle is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. All the lights are on, the bells ringing and the real spinners are signing up. Al Lopez yelled his opinion out loud today in front of Larios. Let’s ryde for Diabetes. Let’s scream for Doctor Dribble! (he hates when I do that) I live out loud Doc. I’m ghetto, chusma- if you will. Panther Coffee, Boxed Water, Nutrabolics, Vita Coco and DJ Illmanik will be there! After this weeks tragedy of a fellow community member passing, this event couldn’t come at a better time. Life is short. Coming together to do something beautiful is needed and always welcomed in all communities. It is my privilege to be part of such a great event. Andrea you are the bomb for making it happen.

Darren and I teaching in the same class with  a veteran spin couple should be EPIC! Three Lopez’s and a Weissman. I love it!!

Lynette, you are the prettiest birthday girl ever. Bring me something from the Big Apple. I love you.

and if you don’t know, I blog for me,  (if you like it-SUPER)


back to basics

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Life has a funny way of bringing us back to basics, humility and gratitude are mandatory.

When you think you know it all is when the real yoga of life begins. I learned daily that every moment shared in kindness matters. Moreover, I learned that a smile can effect someone’s life forever. Thank you for the compliment. If you know someone who is sad, help them. If you are sad, tell someone. Life is precious. Celebrate every breath. Breathe deeply.

Nick (a fellow Newton’s Method addict) replies at the Athleta session at Merrick Park this past Wednesday, like this, “A Master Life Coach is an example to everyone”, I wanted to run to him and squeeze him. He will be an Iron Man soon. Bestia!!

I am a Master Life Coach but hardly an example. I’m just a human trynna to keep my multi dimensions in check. I’m having a blast helping people realize their own answers tho. We all have a legacy to leave!

Roman left me dumbfounded as he calmly strolled into high school. He kept his wits about him as I felt a piece of my heart being ripped out of my chest. Pretty soon, he won’t have time to make logos and design websites for Fit is Fly or Atrevete. I hope to be working for him one day. Motherhood is the most rewarding love.

Stock was good to me this week, I needed it. True Blood is coming to an end, the real end. This show is testimony to many things in my life.

Christian LouBoutin makes nail polish! HELLLLOOOOO! Only in blood red and they sold out in five minutes!!

Happy Birthday Maria Borge, Andrea Cruz May, Linda Weissman! Leo’s everywhwere!

I will be at Gulliver Academy tomorrow morning explaining why all students deserve a chance at fitness. Being fit is so fly. Thank you Gulliver for having the courage to be on the cutting edge.

If you haven’t signed up, call MCycle today- the bikes for September 5 are selling quickly. What an amazing feeling it is to be part of a community coming together for the sake of goodness. Diabetes doesn’t stand a chance against a dream team like Atrevete, Doctor Dribble and the M Cycle. Let’s Ryde with purpose!

I’m going to remember Robin Williams for his greatness, my aunt Olivia for her beauty (inside and out), Lauren Bacall for the dinner at Milo’s in 2003, Robert Fox for his dedication to fitness without judgment and only God’s Speed.

and if you don’t know, it’s your legacy,

Pay It Forward, Fall Forward, Forward Thinker



In the past sixty days, I have been working hard. I don’t know any other way. My mind races. I wake up in the middle of the night and run to my desk. I have developed a scratch. Weird? But, I’m living, I’m doing and if I fail, I fall forward. Every step taken is forward. I am a forward thinker. “Pa tras ni pa cojer impulso!” Forgive me, I’m part Cuban. The blogging for me has been fun, a way to promote clients for Atrevete, Inc., my small but ever developing marketing firm. The blog has also become my bestie. I give it everything I have got weekly. Some weeks I am rich, some weeks I am poor-but the blogging never stops. It doesn’t leave when the going gets tough, it doesn’t hurt, it’s free and therapeutic. I love to blog. Come hell or high water, #IwillBlogOn (thx Papa that hashtag is one of my faves)

This week @MissKemya thanked me for inspiring her to create her blog. I was touched. Miss K, you don’t owe me a thanks, you owe me a hug! It is me who has to be grateful that you took the time to remember me in the first place. Gratitude is so sexy!!! Pay it forward.

Fit is Fly, the Master Life Coaching program for children starts this month. The first sport introduced will be basketball. Surprise! I have been appropriately educated in this sport for a year and a bit! The schooling has been intense. I am really excited to teach the love of team and roles to the Gulliver children. Guess who comes right after me in practice???? Doctor Dribble will be in our school doing what only he can do! The children in this program are in for an amazing experience.

I had a blast marching in the streets of South Miami with the Women of Influence Networking Group this past Wednesday. We marched for unity, for support, for goodness. I did the pistol with him in the room! I know he was proud.

This Wednesday, I will be at Athleta (Merrick Park), a GAP company at 7pm. This session is free to the public and is focused on Love of BODY! I am a marathon runner! I still am amazed I did that! Tell me again why we can’t get healthy in a minute. I’ll bet I can refute that. Bring a Yoga Mat and get ready- were going to get physical. April, bring a kettlebell!

I coached a family this morning at the VIllagio on the Beach. They pulled out a STOP SMOKING START LIVING box to show me. I wanted to cry. I am making an effect. One session at a time. I am making a difference. I am grateful.

On September 5 at 4:30, I’m coming home. I learned how to spin a very long time ago! Circa Stationary Bikes! EEECH! A few years back, I mastered the REAL RYDER! This all took place at MCYCLE. I am a Certified Spin Instructor. I taught successfully and began to create a following. I stopped teaching because the demand of my time was increasing and as you know I run many businesses, a family and a home. I loved it!

I always knew I would get back on a bike to teach! I will be at MCYCLE to teach together with my love, love, love DOCTOR DRIBBLE to raise monies for Diabetes.

On this day, we will help him OUT DRIBBLE DIABETES! With our help, he will be able to run in the NEW YORK CITY MARATHON (his birthplace) and raise awareness for research for this deadly disease. If I’m lucky, maybe I can hydrate him again.

David, Sandy and Andrea (the Queen of Indoor Cycling) will take turns leading us to success! Expect surprises and fun and most of all an unforgettable RYDE! Please call MCYCLE fast as space is limited.

I am notorious for throwing parties, this one is going to be EPIC! I love him.

I got a bird’s eye view into opening night Disney flicks in the future. Oh Boy! Its gonna be an experience. My two Ninja Turtles made me laugh hard this weekend. I went out on date night and things got heated between me and my hombre! We needed water to put the fire out! #H2OMBre is a must do!

The Super Moon does not turn people into lunatics. (V.Caivano-Associated Press)

The Super Moon could harm the vamps in True Blood. (Magda Lopez)

I looked at the moon and thought of us in the carrito! Shark Week with Ro! Life doesn’t get better than that!

and if you don’t know, you are the beast,


A King in a Jungle


I was at Newton’s swinging a forty on a day that the instructor (April) got rep happy and realized I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was spent. I had been celebrating my birthday all month long. I walked out and was ready to spend a relaxing weekend with my family and friends when a very tall frog named Kermit stopped me. He just accepted that the rest was none of his business.

How lucky can a birthday girl be? My body shook, my heart raced and I knew it was going to be the happiest birthday ever. A King never stops protecting his queen. I am truly blessed. I must be a very good person because the love I received up until today in honor of my birthday was just overwhelming. I thought I knew it all but what I learned this year showed me I knew nothing at all. I danced on bar tops with gorgeous women. I met transvestites that would make any girl blush with insecurities. I spent endless hours looking at paradise- the beach. I played with the two loves of my life for what seemed like an endless marathon. Life doesn’t get better than that.

I missed blogging this month. It’s almost like a diary. A raw piece of me. I promised myself I wouldn’t work but I just can’t help myself. I traded stock successfully, I have a great advisor. I am back at Town for another rich experience of Life Coaching women. Please join me at noon on August 7 in the beautiful South Miami Restaurant for a no holds barred experience. The Women of Influence Group never stop impressing me. I made an impact on that last Coaching sesh. I plan on doing it again harder! No one ever gets poor from giving. I like to give from myself. I believe it’s working. I wish I would’ve become a Master Life Coach sooner.

I have been working on a different Coaching session simultaneously for Athleta, a Gap company. This is very exciting too. In a perfect world, everyone would be fit and healthy. The gross truth is Americans are 68.5% obese. On August 13 at 7 pm, I invite you to please join me in the beautiful Athleta store at Merrick Park. We can make a change in our neighborhood, community and City as we celebrate the love of health and fitness. We work so hard at making money, buying cars and building corporations yet pay no attention to honoring our bodies. Let’s fall in love with health together!

I have two weaknesses in life and they are children and the elderly. I know why too. They both have no filter. I love it when you speak to someone of any age that says exactly what they want. I am embarking on a program solely for children. It is called Fit is Fly. It is near to my heart for many reasons. The program is designed for children that are not star athletes. I thought this concept through many sleepless nights and know that it could change the lives of many undiscovered athletes under the age of eighteen. I feel like it’s going to be epic. Gulliver Schools is a place where I have worked endless hours for children I don’t even know. I believe because of this servitude they have afforded me this great opportunity to actually meet the children I will be working with. So blessed, so thankful.

Parents, if you have not yet bought uniforms for your children- run now and do not pass go! It’s a zoo out there!

I’m working on a fundraiser. I haven’t done this since the days of building parks in Coral Gables. I raised money for the creation of a children’s park in its entirety in less than a month. It was easy because I was motivated. Where your focus goes, energy flows. This fundraiser is going to be fun! Just family fun! I’ll have all deets in next weeks blog. I find myself fiercely believing in the cause. It’s easy. I love him.

The Benjamin Dash is back! I’m all about obstacle races and plowing through them. This one has meaning and I will be there this year. For more information on this please call me at 305.903.7160.

It’s so awesome when you set a goal and demolish it! I do this often. It’s freedom. I was fortunate enough to see someone I love do that this weekend. I cried tears of joy for him. I cried because he cried. I am so lucky to have witnessed history. He’s not like LeBron tho, he’s faithful.

Faith doesn’t make things easy it makes them possible. I BOlieve! No really, I do!! You see, every king needs a Nellie.

and if you don’t know, I’m lionhearted,
