why do I blog?

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I began to blog to promote clients solely. Approximately seventy three blogs ago, I set out to share the great and new and hella tight wonderful I encountered on a weekly basis. I chose Sundays to blog because they are the most peaceful days of the week for me. I usually cook, practice simple workouts and brace myself for a strong start to Monday. Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I don’t know how or when the blog, my blog, turned into my life online. It’s become almost like a journal entry. I am amazed when my experiences with what I consider “mad real” interest others. You guys have read my growth, my love, my loss and my happy! I am grateful. Cool beans! I have readers- stoked about that.

Market Miami opened this week. It’s more like a complete takeover on Sunset Drive. Women so powerful scare me. It’s no wonder Marilyn is a friend. I love strong and confident women. It’s inspiring. Please go visit the shop, it’s a tee and jeans kinda place.

I was intending on running streets with Chris this weekend and of course attempting the intimidating club bell but Soho House offered something more my style- animal flow on the beach.  I really am drawn to the instinctual movement. I remember the first time I attempted the beast walk. It was also on the beach. So simple are the movements and they can confound any mind.

April, Cat and I ommmmmed to The Cure this Weekend at H2Om. Cat really is the maverick yogi. She never stops reinventing the breath, the science. Candela loved us as we bent, inverted and laughed. April held my hand. I carried my body on my head and dreamed of black eyeliner and red lipstick moments. I felt the music. Yoga retreat for Goth girls, maybe??

I cooked for my little Linda together with Papa W this past Wednesday. I was so excited for her to be surprised and for him to give the surprise. I felt my hands shake, my heart beat faster and my smile grow larger as the time of arrival neared. I love family, it warms my heart. I swear I feel Jewish. We missed Charna and Sam and of course Ro!

My next Master Life Sesh will be new and innovative. A different venue, a different crowd. How cool is it to be a Coach? Deets next blog.

True Blood ends tonight-I am sad about that. I learned it in Harbour Island  last year. I will see the end with my Alcide. The only Alcide for me. I can’t wait.

For the most part, this week was fantastic. Happiness is a choice.

Golfed with the Master himself. Thank you Ro for persevering and loving your sport. Mad respect YoYo!

I walk around with a water proof camera now. I long for the next opportunity to snap pictures under the sea.

The Spin-a-thon at M Cycle is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. All the lights are on, the bells ringing and the real spinners are signing up. Al Lopez yelled his opinion out loud today in front of Larios. Let’s ryde for Diabetes. Let’s scream for Doctor Dribble! (he hates when I do that) I live out loud Doc. I’m ghetto, chusma- if you will. Panther Coffee, Boxed Water, Nutrabolics, Vita Coco and DJ Illmanik will be there! After this weeks tragedy of a fellow community member passing, this event couldn’t come at a better time. Life is short. Coming together to do something beautiful is needed and always welcomed in all communities. It is my privilege to be part of such a great event. Andrea you are the bomb for making it happen.

Darren and I teaching in the same class with  a veteran spin couple should be EPIC! Three Lopez’s and a Weissman. I love it!!

Lynette, you are the prettiest birthday girl ever. Bring me something from the Big Apple. I love you.

and if you don’t know, I blog for me,  (if you like it-SUPER)


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