A Coach


I remember when I had the event in Athleta in Merrick Park about one year ago and asked Nick (the Birthday boy) what a Life Coach was. His answer was “a role model” and “someone who leads by example”.  I am without a doubt a leader but I’m just as fallible as any human.  A Coach is a third party that holds a Coachee accountable for goodness, wellness and specific goals.  It is diverse and very rewarding. I Coach children, men and women and businesses. I do not provide therapy.

On August 30, I will be Coaching my biggest public event ever. I am really excited. I get to act powerfully for one hour. It’s thrilling really. I’ll be working with some very bendable peeps too. I get to infuse the marketing for some of my other clients into this event as well. I love to make beautiful projects come together. It’s like having a baby.

My baby is in IMG still. I miss him so much. When he comes back, we have a historical trip coming up. The children, they make it all worth while. All of it! He asks me how my dates went, I thought I was supposed to ask him? How does the reversal happen without me noticing?

Same sex marriages are law, where were you when you found out?

Miami Fit Wear named me highest seller of them all. I guess smart fit chicks know a good legging when they see one.

Tokyo has never been a doable idea for me, pero there is always a pero. Who knows, Maybe?

In exactly one month, I will be forty four years old. I am so grateful for every single one of those years. It’s a shift of thought when you count your blessings, its freedom.

Today was a great day. I hope yours was too.  July…… I’m ready for you.


and if you don’t know, I am a Leo,


